Sunday, September 2, 2012

5 day Challenge has begun!

 ****Disclaimer -  this activity WILL NOT WORK with out your participation. However, with that said I'd like to say a few things so we don't have people throwing their lives upside down to do these activities!! In a perfect world it would be ideal to have everyone physically do the activities  and I think that we will benefit the most if the activities are done as listed and then documented. This is a "mock emergency" and you need to have discretion as to what is going to work the best for YOUR family. At the VERY, VERY least have a family pow wow and discuss in detail any issues you may or may not be prepared for, for each given scenario. That is the beauty of this activity!!! How awesome is it that we can think ahead and prepare for these things before they happen? Pretty stinking awesome, if you ask me!

Here are the rules. Learn them. Live them. Love them. (This hurts me more than it hurts you..... as my mom says, "You will thank me later...")
2.) When you see the word "meals" interpret it as food storage meals.
3.) Do not spend any money during the 5 day challenge
4.) Do not eat out (that is TOTALLY cheating!! McDonald's is not exempt from any natural disaster!!)
5.) Should you need to use the disclaimer above try to be minimalistic. Keep your shopping in the spirit of the challenge.
6.) Be Prepared. Don't be scared!

** even if video is black, just click play!

Ok - Welcome to the 5 Day Chaallenge! For 5 days, we are testing our Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage Plans. Each day will bring a NEW mock emergency, or situation that will test at least one of the reasons "Why" we strive to be prepared! REMEMBER: No going to a store, or spending any money for the entire 5 days (to put towards the activities) Pleeeeeeeaaaaase feel free to adapt the scenarios to fit your own family and situation. :)
 Day 1
A fire is QUICKLY approaching your home. You have just been issued a mandatory evacuation alert. You have 30 minutes from THIS moment to leave your home and your home will NOT be there when you get back. Everything will be destroyed.

Today’s Goal: Practice your evacuation plan and refine your grab list.

Daily Evaluation Questions (Things to Ask Yourself)
·       Were your items organized and easy to grab in 30 minutes?
·       Is there anything you wish you had added to your grab list?
·       How long do you think you could last with the food in your 72 hour kits?
·       If you were living off of only your 72 hour kit food, would it be enough to sustain you? Even if you were very active during that time?
·       Look at the clothes in your kit, are they adequate for the season? Correct sizes?
·       Are there any other emergency supplies you would wish you had with you?
Need to Buy:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Need to Do: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Need to Learn: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Daily Notes

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