Thursday, September 12, 2013

Challenge Day 6 - Auto 101

 Scenario #1

You have decided to take a pleasant Sunday afternoon drive to enjoy the scenery of the changing leaves. However, a little while into your drive disaster strikes. One of your tires has a blow-out and you are in an area with no cell phone service. To make matters worse your battery died too and it is a full hour before someone arrives to help give you a jump.
Today’s Tasks:
·       Take a drive with your family or a friend or two

·       Change your car’s tire out on the side of the road 
·       Wait for one hour in your vehicle with the engine turned off (it’s dead remember).
·       You and your other car passengers must be entertained, kept warm/cool, and given a snack and a drink.
·       You must have jumper cables in your car to charge your battery.
·       If you have children of driving age, give them a lesson on how to change a tire and make them practice it at least once

Today’s Limitations:
·       For this day, and ALL days of the challenge: no spending money, no going to stores, and no restaurants.
·       For women, you must change the tire yourself. No cheating and getting your husband to do it.
·       You can’t call roadside service because you are in a dead cell phone area.

Scenario #2  This has happened to me so many times.  Especially in the winter here in Utah- my
tire pressure light comes on!  (Brad is always out of town!) One way to avoid a tire issue is to make sure your tires have the right tire pressure.

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